Single death in city, 3310 new cases in Nagpur district
NAGPUR NEWS : district on Friday witnessed 3310 fresh COVID-19 cases with nind deaths in last 24 hours. From the total deaths single deaths was from the city while five belonged to rural area. Three deaths were from outside of the district.
As far as recovery is concerned 4583 persons recovered from the dreaded virus. This is second consecutive day the district reported more recoveries that positive cases.
The cumulative recovery now stands at 5,16,138. With good recoveries, the recovery rate moves up to 93.25%, while the number of active cases was recorded as 27,120.
With 3310 persons tested positive for coronavirus in district the cumulative cases increases to 553470 . Nagpur rural reported reports 1115 persons were tested positive for virus.
In city, new cases increased to 2054. 141 persons testing positive are not the residents of Nagpur district. Of the cumulative total of positive cases, 8770 cases reported are not the residents of district.
With today’s death count the cumulative death count goes up to 10,212.
Of the cumulative death count,1,643 persons succumbed to COVID-19 in district were not the residents of district.